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The SCCA RoadRally Southern California Championship Series is presented by the SCCA San
Diego Region, SCCA CalClub region, and CalClub’s two affiliated rally clubs - Santa Monica Sports
Car Club and Into the Night Rally Team.
The competition year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st

(See Appendix A for the current year’s rally schedule.)
Each event in the Championship shall be conducted as an SCCA-sanctioned Regional RoadRally.
Each event in the Championship shall be conducted according to its own set of General Instructions.


Each event in the Championship should be a minimum of 105 minutes and a maximum of 240
minutes in (instructed) duration Start to Finish. Events longer than 120 minutes of (instructed) rally
duration shall have rest breaks of at least 15 minutes per 120 minutes of (instructed) rally duration.
Breaks must be at locations where adequate rest rooms are available. Each event in the
Championship should finish at a location which has food, drink and rest rooms available.


The annual series Championship shall be awarded based on each entrant’s total points from only
their seven highest-scoring events, regardless of class. There is no limit to the number of
Championship events an entrant may run, but only their top seven scores will be counted toward the
Championship. Championship points shall be awarded for each event based on the entrant’s finishing
position in the class they entered for that event. Points shall be awarded as follows for each event.
Position (in class) Points
1 10
2 8
3 6
4 5
5 4
6 3
7 2
8 1


Each Rally Chairperson shall designate up to four workers to receive 10 Championship points per
worker for that specific event. Each worker may receive up to 30 total Championship points per year
in this manner.


Championship awards shall be given to the top 3 entrants with the highest point totals for the year,
regardless of class.

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